Buyer Beware

You may hear Web Site Design advertisements for $250 to $300 or even FREE.  SOUNDS GOOD – It may be true, but some facts may be omitted.  Remember, the old saying is still true, “You get what you pay for.”

The advertisers are neglecting to tell you about the annual fees for domain name registration and web site hosting fees, and are also failing to tell you what you get for your design fee, and what the cost will be to update or change your site, and who will be working on your site. Most importantly, after you have paid $1000s, and you are still dissatisfied, you decide to change to a competent, honest web developer only to find out that you do not own your web site or they are “holding it hostage.” Then, you must either stay with the original company, or start over.

The Facts

Domain Name Registration

You select your name i.e. for your website. You have to register this name and pay an annual fee to the domain registration service. Generally, this ANNUAL FEE is anywhere from 12.00- $35.00 per year.  But,  many services ask for a two-year sign on. You can often get a discounted rate with multiple-year signups. Beware of sites offering domain names for less than the standard rates because they must make up the money difference somewhere. Usually it’s because they are selling your information to other markets (and sometimes spammers). It’s best to stick with the better known registrars.

Site Hosting Fees

Your web site must be stored by a web host. This is how the world is able to go to your site. There are thousands of hosting providers and the ANNUAL FEE can vary from $10 to $100’s per month.

Some companies both design and host your site. However, some of those companies are reluctant to allow you to switch services and can hold your site hostage even though you may own the rights to your site. Usually it takes 3-14 days for all the electronic paperwork to be transferred from one host to another host.

Design Fees

You should be careful to find out exactly what you are getting for your money. Many designers (and hosting companies) quickly create a “cookie cutter” site, which is very plain and generic or comes as one of the 25-30 packaged sites in a development program, then assess you additional charges to make the site meet your expectations. Some designers collect your money, create the “cookie cutter” site, and then forget about you and the various viewers coming to your site (Web TV, different browsers such as MS Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, etc.).

Website Developer

Many large web development companies employ part-time college students, or other individuals with minimal experience, where the turnover rate is very high and skill levels vary. If that person leaves the developer company, your site may not be worked on again for a very long time.

Sometimes they give your site over to someone new, and you are basically starting over with the development because that person is not aware of your needs and has to learn what you want.  Then you hope they get it right.

Meanwhile, people come to what exists of your site and are so disappointed they don’t return.

Website Ownership

You should get a contract from your Webmaster/Webdesigner that  should clearly state to whom the site ownership rights belong.  Remember, after you have paid the fees stated in your contract, you should be the owner of the site and all it’s contents, unless otherwise specified in your contract.

With Bizness Concetps, you are the owner of the web site and all contents designed for you, and you are free to do with it as you deem necessary, as long as all fees are paid in full.  Anyone who refuses to release your website and it’s contents to you may be liable under the deceptive trade practices laws. Be sure you have a contract, and the contract does not remove ownership of your website from you.

From Planning to Completion

Why Choose Bizness Concepts?

I am Bizness Concepts – I have an extensive computer and graphics background and, every step of the way, I will provide the type of service that you deserve. I not only conduct my business in this area, I live here. And, for those customers who aren’t local… I care just as much about the service you receive

My goal is to design a web site that will be original, attractive, convey your message, attract customers, and be view-able on the many different browsers (web viewing programs and mobile devices) used by the public, and make sure it is found by search engines. My best advertisement is the testimony of my clients. I’ll gladly provide you with a list of references or visit my client list on my web site.

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