About Us
If your business doesn’t look good,
my business doesn’t look good.
Deanna Lilly started out as a commercial illustrator, but her curiosity about computers kept a close second. She designed a billboard for a commercial winery in Washington State, has done magazine ad copy, commercial label designs, business card and logo designs, as well as tee-shirt and Christmas ornament artwork.
She also taught part-time for Baltimore County in the Office of Human Resources Computer Training Center from 2000-2016.
Ms. Lilly has created classes on Writing for the Web and written several manuals for software instruction. She also helped to develop a Rural Industrial Training Center and School to Work Program in Texas, where she spent a good portion of her life.
It took a while, but she’s finally combined both her left- and right-brained loves and now designs and maintains websites.
Deanna fully believes that service is the most important thing she can offer her clients.
“I’m doing the things I love most. I get to teach others how to be completely lazy and let the computer do the work, and I get to use my artistic background to bring a personal touch to my client’s websites.”
Knowledge is our greatest gift and the greatest power. “I learn something new every day. Now days, it’s a necessity.” In this fast changing world, we have to remember that just because someone says it’s so, doesn’t make it true. By the time you close the book, what you’ve learned is already out of date. And, she firmly believes the only way to grow (both personally and in business) is to share your knowledge. “By sharing, giving away the things you know, you make room to grow and learn more. And, the only way to be a success is to learn all you can.”